Pravah News Mobile App

Description :

The PRAVAH News App, developed by STM Developments, offers users a personalized and efficient news experience. Here's a detailed overview of its features and functionality:
Dashboard Features (After Login)
1.    Home: View the latest news articles.
2.    My Feed: See news tailored to your interests.
3.    Category: Browse news by different categories.
4.    Live: Access live news updates.
5.    Profile: Manage your personal information.
o    Name: View or update your name.
o    Email: View or update your email address.
o    Phone No.: View or update your phone number.
o    Update Profile Button: Update your personal information.
o    Change Password Button: Change your account password.
o    Delete Account Button: Permanently delete your account.
6.    My Saved Stories: Access articles you have saved.
7.    Edit Save Interest: Modify your news interests.
8.    Settings:
o    Notification: Manage app notifications.
o    Select Language: Choose your preferred language.
o    Blog Font Size: Adjust the font size for better readability.
o    Rate Us: Provide feedback on the app.
o    Logout: Log out of your account.
o    Dark Mode: Switch between light and dark themes.
Updating Profile Information
1.    Login to the PRAVAH News App.
2.    Navigate to "Profile" from the dashboard.
3.    Click on "Update Profile".
4.    Edit the desired fields (Name, Email, Phone No.).
5.    Submit the changes.
Saving and Managing Stories
1.    While browsing news articles, click on the save icon to add articles to "My Saved Stories".
2.    To view saved stories, go to "My Saved Stories" from the dashboard.
Editing News Interests
1.    Login to the PRAVAH News App.
2.    Go to "Edit Save Interest" from the dashboard.
3.    Modify your interests and submit the changes.
Adjusting Settings
1.    Login to the PRAVAH News App.
2.    Navigate to "Settings" from the dashboard.
3.    Adjust the available settings (notification preferences, language, font size, etc.).
Live News
•    The PRAVAH News App allows you to access real-time news updates from various news companies such as APP News, AajTak, and others through the "Live" section.
Additional Features
•    Latest News: Stay updated with the latest headlines.
•    Live News Channel: Watch live news broadcasts.
•    Admin Feeds: Access curated news feeds by administrators.
•    Google Ads: View ads seamlessly integrated within the app.
•    Admin Panel for Users: Competent admin panel for user management and app settings.